this is not a blog

St!|| exper!ment!ng the c0nt!nu0us ?uest f0r !||um!nat!0n

Speak your mind (but not everything that comes into it!)

We can't be an expert on everything. All of us are supremely ignorant about some things. One thing that makes an individual wise, though, is the knowledge that we all know actually very little in the whole scheme of things. Of course, advertising our own ignorance is still something we'd like to avoid doing, especially when speaking publicly. Yet still worse than not knowing is thinking (or posing) that we know or understand something but demonstrate, through our explanation or presentation, that we do not. Is it not unforgivable to pretend to know what we are talking about when we do not? Is it not professional suicide to try to fake it, digging a hole so deep and filling it with so much redundant, contradictory nonsense that we lose all credibility to speak on the issue again?

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We always talk about how to become a better speaker, but the first step to becoming a better speaker is becoming a better listener. And to do that requires us to slow down and to remain silent so that we may hear. Remaining silent is quite hard for many of us, yet we learn very little while speaking; we learn when we listen. By listening more and speaking less we can be better performers when it is our chance to openly articulate our message.

Do not speak unless it improves on silence

No matter how good of a speaker we may think we are, there are times — many times in fact — when it's wise to keep quiet. Perhaps you've heard this line before:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time

..dedicated to the times games make for a reality

"if you are going to play games, why not learn something important in the process?”

quatro de cuba

quatro de cuba
Originally uploaded by Mr. Mark.
Listen to Buena Vista Social Club! Listen to Lhasa! Listen to Gotan of the soul..

"I tell people I'm not blind," he says. "I just can't see."

Blind since age 3, Ben Underwood skateboards, shoots hoops and plays video games. How does he do it? Just like bats and dolphins..

A lifestory about
challenges and conquerings..

Quest for order

what do u think of this?

it seems "This is a rough sketch of a more advanced knowledge map that has never been drawn." - R.B.Wild
Leo - king of the farm:)
for more stuff on stars and signs check out

Bare with me

I don't see in commenting daily happenings something so spectacular. I know, that is what a blog usualy contains, but..I prefer only mentioning them with few but more complex exprimations..
a few examples of people who go by every moment of their life and describing it..
*more comments later
and a gay guy :)

The road to graduation..

For those of you who have seen the movie "Ice Age", you may or may not have noticed a nut-obsessed little squirrel named Scrat. For those of you that have, think for a moment: Scrat=grad student, Nut=thesis. For those of you that don't remember, or haven't seen the movie "Ice Age", RUN! Run to the video store, rent it, watch and laugh! While we were trying to graduate.. one might have noticed that we were a bit... squirrley... so to speak. :D

Step 1: find your nut

Of course the first phase of grad graduating is finding a project(your nut). Once you have found your project you must learn to love it. LOVE IT!

Step 2: don't EVER let go!

Now that you have your nut, you will begin to realize the perils of the world that could cause you to loose your nut. You must never let go! The nut is your life.

Step 3: catastrophe

No matter what you do, something will go wrong. Probably often.

Step 4: survival

Despite disaster, you have survived. Months, even years have passed... your friends have moved on with their lives and have real jobs. But, it's a beautiful day and you're still alive... just don't forget to hang on to the nut!

Step 5: graduation... yes, graduation

So your nut didn't turn out to be quite what you wanted... make the best of what you have. So celebrate with some popcorn.

I have Brazilian roots, bloody roots :D

click the title!

Brazil wasn't what it was expected at this world champs..but still..who wouldn't like a T-shirt like this? :D

Other related links to WC, especialy to Zidane's "fight":D from the final
(finaly we can return to our lives):

Zidane hit Zizou fun

Your birthday's hit!

Check it out!

Date Engine

On 18th Aug 1981 ...

The Number 1 single was:
Shakin' Stevens - "Green Door"

The Number 1 album was:
Royalty - "The Official BBC Album Of The Royal Wedding"

For Number 1 album over the subsequent years Click Here

Born on 18th Aug:
1944 - Carl Wayne ( bassist, vocalist, The Move )
1949 - Nigel Griggs ( guitarist, bassist, vocalist, Split Enz )
1950 - Dennis Elliott ( drummer, Foreigner )
1971 - Aphex Twin ( real name Richard James )

make you mine

4 8 15 16 23 42
A tribute to the the first online hit series (for me at least) :D got softer at the end..


Depeche mode Bucharest 2006..a lifetime of waiting, 3 months before with a ticket, or how to get from B to A by lie and deceit :)
hope u got a good view Adi :P


Originally uploaded by Fun with tape.
This reminds me of my grandpa's garden..and yellow is beautiful..


A long day at work just browsing Flickr ..I just want to add two prints dedicated to all my friends appreciating good music (Hello, Bug! :) ..u can comment on this page, u know?!

"You've got the magic touch, don't you know?" (Aerosmith).


Originally uploaded by bakpacker.
Don't drink and ride..this COULD happen to you..just like it probably happened here..or maybe somebody just gave up drinking..and his bike :)

Sunset on fire

Sunset on fire
Originally uploaded by LynchburgVirginia.
for many who are like me sunsets are mornings :)
mornings? a little sunbath

Shall We Walk Unto Darkness

Shall We Walk Unto Darkness
Originally uploaded by Nocturnales.
Simplicity, touching.


To keep things clear..
The complete structure of the female body..from an engineer's pointofview :)

The Mission - FatBoy Slim
5 August
, ora 18:00 la Ultima Playa, Mamaia
COME! :)

A few pictures from my hometown's summer "fest".. pe meleaguri manelistico-mioritice.. Excuse the cloud, the sad faces and the decadence..focus on the pitoresque?! :)

ECHO: "Bubulina: Da, si ce daca, nu mai are nimeni oras ca al nostru"

*@work..I should be
The United States of total paranoia

I know Britain is full of incompetent water board officials and stabbed Glaswegians but even so I fell on my knees this morning and kissed the ground, because I’ve just spent three weeks trying to work in America.

It’s known as the land of the free and I’m sure it is if you get up in the morning, go to work in a petrol station, eat nothing but double-egg burgers — with cheese — and take your children to little league. But if you step outside the loop, if you try to do something a bit zany, you will find that you’re in a police state.

We begin at Los Angeles airport in front of an immigration official who, like all his colleagues, was selected for having no grace, no manners, no humour, no humanity and the sort of IQ normally found in farmyard animals. He scanned my form and noted there was no street number for the hotel at which I was staying.

“I’m going to need a number,” he said. “Ooh, I’m sorry,” I said, “I’m afraid I don’t have one.”

This didn’t seem to have any effect. “I’m going to need a number,” he said again, and then again, and then again. Each time I shrugged and stammered, terrified that I might be sent to the back of the queue or worse, into the little room with the men in Marigolds. But I simply didn’t have an answer.

“I’m going to need a number,” he said again, giving the distinct impression that he was an autobank, and that this was a conversation he was prepared to endure until one of us died. So with a great deal of bravery I decided to give him one. And the number I chose was 2,649,347.

This, it turned out, was fine. He’d been told by his superiors to get a number. I’d given him a number. His job was done and so, just an hour or so later, I was on the streets of Los Angeles doing a piece to camera.

Except, of course, I wasn’t. Technically you need a permit to film on every street in pretty well every corner of the world. But the only countries where this rule is enforced are Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea and the United States of America.

So, seconds after breaking out the tripod, a policeman pulled up and demanded that we show him our permit. We had one that covered the city of Los Angeles . . . except the bit where we were. So we were moved on.

The next day I was moved on in Las Vegas too because the permit I had didn’t cover the part of the pavement I was standing on. Eight inches away was fine.

You need a permit to do everything in America. You even need a passport to buy a drink. But interestingly you don’t need one if you wish to rent some guns and some bullets. I needed a 50 cal (very big) machinegun. “No problem,” said the man at the shop. “But could you just sign this assuring us that the movie you’re making is not anti-Bush or anti-war.”

Also, you do not need a permit if you want — as I did — to transport a dead cow on the roof of your car through the Florida panhandle. That’s because this is banned by a state law.

Think about that. Someone has gone to all the bother and expense of drawing up a law that means that at some point lots of people were moving dead cows about on their cars. It must have been popular. Fashionable even.

Anyway, back to the guns. I needed them because I wished to shoot a car in the Mojave desert. But you can’t do that without the say-so of the local fire chief who turned up, with his haircut, to say that for reasons he couldn’t explain, he had a red flag in his head.

You find this a lot in America. People way down the food chain are given the power to say yes or no to elaborately prepared plans, just so their bosses can’t be sued. One expression that simply doesn’t translate from English in these days of power without responsibility is “Ooh, I’m sure it’ll be fine”.

And, unfortunately, these people at the bottom of the food chain have no intellect at all. Reasoning with them is like reasoning with a tree. I think this is because people in the sticks have stopped marrying their cousins and are now mating with vegetables.

They certainly aren’t eating them. You see them growing in fields, but all you ever find on a menu is cheese, cheese, cheese, or cheese with cheese. Except for a steak and cheese sandwich I bought in Mississippi. This was made, according to the label, from “imitation cheese”.

Nope, I don’t know what that is either but I do know that out of the main population centres, the potato people are getting fatter and dimmer by the minute.

Today the average petrol pump attendant is capable, just, of turning on a pump when you prepay. But if you pay for two pumps to be turned on to fill two cars, you can, if you stare carefully, see wisps of smoke coming from her fat, useless, war losing, acne-scarred, gormless turnip face.

And the awful thing is that you don’t want the petrol anyway, because it’ll simply get you to somewhere else, which will be worse. A point I shall prove next week when we have a look at what happened in Alabama. And why the poor of New Orleans will sue if the donation you make isn’t as big as they’d hoped for.

Just got back from the sea..for the second weekend in a row..a bit darker at skin, with a slick haircut, and a bigger smile :D lost some friends along the way, but they'll be back..
this is me and Bug fighting the waves after the storm.excuse me I must go pour yogurt on my back now!

animal social

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fii calm acum!

Relaxarea este o modalitate psihofiziologica de depasire a crizei de adaptare.
In mod normal, o minte care este supusa incontinuu unui efort considerabil va avea de suferit de pe urma acestei presiuni.
Iata mai jos o metoda de relaxare in 5 pasi simpli, foarte eficienta, care te poate ajuta intotdeauna:

1. Imagineaza-ti ca te afli la munte, langa un izvor.
2. Pasarile se aud ciripind in aerul rece si curat.
3. Nimic nu te poate deranja aici. Nimeni nu cunoaste locul tau secret.
4. Sunetul unei mici cascade creaza un fundal sonor linistitor.
5. Incearca sa-ti imaginezi cu claritate figura persoanei pe care o tii cu capul sub apa.